Related Standarts
The following features make BannerML different from other existing formats:
- It presents semantic information about the banner ad, giving the user access to the meaning of the image instead of purely technical data
- It has been developed for advertising
- It is targeted to the end-user
Of course, some of the existing formats allow the advertiser to assign both technical (resolution, size, etc.) and semantic (copyright, name, topic) information. However, BannerML is targeted to the end-user of banner ads, providing structured adverising information. After developing some additional features, Image Co-Tracker will be able to work with any XML application. This will allow the program to provide information describing a banner ad, in any existing format, not in BannerML only.
Additional information on XML-based standards you can find at XML Cover Pages.
Scalable Vector Graphics
SVG is currently a World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Candidate Recommendation.
SVG is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. It provides elements for color, coordinates, and solids presentation (see W3C Overview for details)
Description of Image Semantics in SVG
SSVG provides the Description and Title elements for describing an image. The content of these elements can be used as tooltips for images, or as alternative text when the "show pictures" option is turned off. However, SVG does not define what kind of information (for example, the author's name, copyright) can be stored using these elements.
Publishing Requirements for Industry Standard Metadata
Specification Version 1.0 beta. The second public draft of the PRISM specification. The development team has been working since June 1999.
Adobe Systems, Artesia Technologies, Cahners Business Information, Condé Nast Publications, Getty Images, iCopyright.com, International Data Group (IDG/ITWorld), Interwoven, Netscape, Quark Inc. sothebys.com, Kinecta Corporation, Time Inc, Vignette Corporation and Wavo Corporation.
PRISM has been developed for assigning meta-information to any content for its distribution through the Internet.
PRISM is an extensible XML metadata standard for syndicating, aggregating, post-processing and multi-purposing content from magazines, news, catalogs, books and mainstream journals (see PRISM Home Page for details).
The meta-information can describe:
- Content produsers and distributors (names, contact information, etc.)
- Copyright
- The content itself
Description of Semantics in PRISM
PPRISM can be used for assigning meta-information for any content, including images. Specification Version 1.0 beta provides the following elements: Subject Event, Subject Industry, Subject Location, Subject Organization, Subject Person, and more
PRISM also provides features for the copyright description, using the following elements: Ñontent Copyright Holder,
Therefore, PRISM provides the content distribution as B2B.
Digital Imaging Metadata Standard
The final Specification. The development team has been working since November, 1998.
DIG35 is released by >The Digital Imaging GroupThe current DIG35 member companies are Adobe Systems Inc., AGFA-GEVAERT N.V., Canon Inc., Eastman Kodak Company, Fuji Photo Film Co., Ltd., HP, Microsoft Corporation, NETIMAGE, PhotoChannel Networks Inc., PhotoWorks, Inc., PictureIQ Corporation, Polaroid Corporation, and WorkStation.com.
DIG35 has been developing for description of digital images. Meta-information can describe:
- Technical characteristics (the camera type, compression rate, color, etc.)
- Author (name, contact information)
- The image content
Description of Semantics in DIG35
DIG35 allows a user to describe the name of the event, its participiants, time, and other information that can be important for distributors of images.
DTD Version 1.0 (October 24, 2000)
adXML was initiated by Mediaplex, Inc.
adXML has been developed for message exchange between advertisers and delivery companies.
"adXML is an XML specification of the type of information that is passed between a purchasing and selling agent of advertising inventory. adXML addresses both the worlds of online and off-line (e.g., print, magazines, TV) advertising.
...The adXML document provides the publisher with all the information required to get the banner ad up and running."
adXML is oriented toward B2B, providing an opportunity to describe a target group, expiry date, etc.