
Online shopping is a great convenience, but online retail sites are set up to facilitate purchasing, not necessarily for “window shopping.” If you are not yet ready to buy an item, you might bookmark the Web site so that you can return later; however, you may have to search for the specific item again. Furthermore, bookmarks do not allow you to record information such as price, discounts, or your own comments. On the other hand, the Image Co-Tracker database allows you to create a database where you can store the picture of the item, a link to the Web site where you found it, and any other information you want. Image Co-Tracker also makes it easy to search, sort, edit, and delete images in the database, as well as adding new images.
Searching for your dream home? It can be difficult and confusing to compare a multitude of properties with different designs, prices, locations, and so on. Image Co-Tracker is a great way to control all this information. The database allows you to store an image of each house, prices, categories (e.g., condo, townhouse, single family), and any other information you want. You can then sort, edit, or delete properties in the database, allowing you to share the information with family and friends in order to select the best home for you. For example, you can categorize properties according to price ranges, and then view only properties within a certain range. You can also create categories for different property locations, number of bedrooms, architectural styles, and so on. When you want to view a property on the Internet again, just click on the image to follow the link.
Looking for a way to organize and manage your image galleries? With the Image Co-Tracker database, you can create multiple image galleries, and you can control the images both as a group and individually. You can assign a variety of identifiers to an image: name, category (e.g., cartoon, photo, comics), and an unlimited number of comments. Some kinds of information, such as the date the image was added to the database, are assigned automatically! Once images have been captured, you can sort them using various criteria, edit information about them, associate them with a category, delete them, and more. Image Co-Tracker even saves a link to the Web page where you originally found the image and, if available, any other links (destinations) associated with the image.
What do you do when you see an interesting banner advertisement on a Web page? Do you abandon your current work and follow the banner link? Or do you try to remember the page on which you saw the banner, so that you can return later? Of course, neither of these is an optimum solution. Fortunately, the Image Co-Tracker database can solve this problem. Just click the right mouse button on the banner you in which you are interested, and it will be added to your database. Image Co-Tracker automatically captures the URL of the Web page where you found the banner, as well as the URL of the link the banner refers to. You can then assign a name to the image, jot down any comments you might have, and even place the image into a category (e.g., travel, shopping, computers) for easier retrieval. Images in the database can be sorted on a variety of criteria, and you can change, add, or delete information at any time.
Using the Internet to conduct research often means downloading a lot of images-charts, schemes, maps, and the like. But how do you organize and keep track of them? Descriptive file names and unique Windows folders provide a certain measure of organization, but an image database does so much more. Image Co-Tracker allows you to create your own database for storing not only the images, but also important information about them. Some kinds of information, such as the Internet location where you found the image, is assigned automatically! You can assign a name to an image, place it in a category (e.g., math, chemistry, biology, geography) for easy retrieval, and jot down any comments you may have. You can sort images in your database by various criteria, edit information about the images, add new images, or delete existing images.
Are you interested in comics? If so, the Image Co-Tracker database is for you. Select comics you like from the Internet, add them to the image database, and enjoy them any time you want without having to launch the Internet! You can assign a name and category (e.g., The Superman, The Born Loser, Rose is Rose, The Simpsons) to the comics you store in the image database, sort them by various criteria, edit information about them, add new comics, and delete existing comics from the database. Image Co-Tracker even captures certain information automatically-such as a link to the Web page on which you found the image and, when applicable, any links the image refers to.